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Surrounded by Culture, History, and Traditions

Beyond the park, nearby villages offer routes, museum visits, churches, theatres, monuments, and local festivals.


Ossa de Montiel

A small town of 2,209 inhabitants, Ossa de Montiel is part of the Lagunas de Ruidera Natural Park, with several lagoons within its boundaries. The town's rich history includes traces of Iberians, Romans, Visigoths, and Muslims. The Don Quixote route also passes through here, linking its history to literature.



Located 40 kilometres from the campsite, Villarrobledo is steeped in history, from the Lower Palaeolithic to the Hispano-Muslim period. Known for the legend of ‘la Encantá’ and significant events like the Carnival, Easter Week, and Viña-Rock Festival, the town is also a regional wine industry hub.



In the Sierra de Alcaraz and Campo de Montiel region, Lezuza's Roman colony of Libisosa marked an important milestone on the Via Augusta route. Today, Lezuza offers a rich tourist experience through its architectural, archaeological, natural, and ethnographic resources.


El Bonillo

Located 34 kilometres from the campsite, El Bonillo is between the headwaters of the Guadiana and Lezuza rivers. Notable for its heritage, including the parish church of Santa Catalina and a painting by El Greco, the town is known for its religious tourism and the Festival de Música Alterna.




This town is connected to "The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha," as Cervantes is believed to have written his famous work here. Argamasilla de Alba is at Km 0 of the Don Quixote Route and is rich in heritage, including the cave-house of Medrano, the granary of Tercia, the Church of San Juan Bautista, and various monuments and sculptures.



Located in the Montiel countryside between the Azuer and Alto Guadiana river basins, Alhambra is steeped in the history of various civilizations, including the Iberians, Romans, and Arabs. The town's name, Alhambra, reflects its Arab heritage. Alhambra celebrates its rich history with the Iberian-Roman Laminitanian Days on the first weekend of August. Key attractions include:

  • Municipal Archaeological Museum
  • Ethnographic Museum
  • Visigoth Necropolis Excavation
  • Umayyad Castle
  • Parish Church of San Bartolomé Apostol
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Founded by the Order of Calatrava, Almagro became the administrative capital in the 16th and 17th centuries, attracting wealthy families due to its fairs and businesses. Its historic quarter was declared a historic artistic site in 1972, and the town has been listed among the Most Beautiful Villages in Spain since 2015. Notable sites include:

  • Convento de la Asunción Calatrava
  • Plaza Mayor de Almagro
  • Casa Palacio Juan Jédler
  • Iglesia San Agustín
  • Teatro Municipal
  • Museo de Encaje y Blonda
  • Oficina de Turismo y Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo
  • Mirador del Silo
  • Museo Etnográfico
  • Corral de Comedias
  • Museo Nacional del Teatro
  • Palacio de los Marqueses de Torremejía
  • Palacio de los Condes de Valdeparaíso
  • Hospital de San Juan de Dios
  • Iglesia de la Madre de Dios
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Villanueva de los Infantes

Known as a jewel of Campo de Montiel, this town has been declared a Historic-Artistic Monument since 1974 and is one of the most beautiful villages in Spain. Villanueva de los Infantes is a prime example of Baroque and Renaissance architecture in La Mancha, with notable figures like Lope de Vega and Francisco de Quevedo having walked its streets. Highlights include:

  • Plaza Mayor with the Church of San Andrés and the Rectory House
  • Casa de los Estudios
  • Palace of the Marquis of Entrambasaguas
  • Court of the Inquisition
  • Plaza de San Juan
  • Streets of Cervantes and General Pérez Ballesteros
  • Hospital de Santiago
  • Casa del Arco
  • Hermitage of Cristo de la Familia
  • Church of La Trinidad
  • Convent of Santo Domingo


Created by the Order of Calatrava to defend the territory, Manzanares grew rapidly due to its strategic location at a crossroads and cattle trail intersection. Key heritage sites include:

  • Pilas Bonas Castle
  • Parish Church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción
  • Convent of the Barefoot Franciscan Conceptionists
  • Hermitages of Vera Cruz, San Antón, Virgen de la Paz, and San Blas
  • House of the Marquis of Salinas
  • Grand Theatre
  • Parador de Turismo
  • Manuel Piña Museum
  • Manchego Cheese Museum
  • PlomHist Museum
  • Sánchez Mejías Archive-Museum
  • Molino Grande

These villages and towns around Los Batanes offer rich cultural, historical, and architectural experiences, making them ideal for day trips and exploration during your stay at the campsite.




* Photos provided by the tourist offices of each locality.


Ctra. Lagunas de Ruidera, km 8

02611 OSSA DE MONTIEL - ALBACETE - Castilla-la Mancha - Spain

Teléfono. +34 926699076 +34 926699020


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Los Batanes

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